Examples of embedded systems can be found in products such as microwave ovens, medical instruments, automobiles, weapon- guidance systems, toys, and all other items that rely on an internal microprocessor. Sometimes in this embedded systems world the line between hardware and software design can become frizzy. The Art of Programming Embedded Systems provides needed clarity by offering a new philosophy for practicing programmers faced with designing, writing, and debugging code for smaller embedded systems. The first book of its kind, it is of interest to all hardware and software engineers responsible for the design and development of embedded systems. It includes several helpful tips and offers practical solutions to the most common embedded systems problems. This book will serve as a compendium of information that is often needed but seldom immediately at hand, giving routines, algorithms, and design techniques in an easy-to-read "cookbook" format.Ganssle, Jack G. is the author of 'Art of Programming Embedded Systems' with ISBN 9780122748806 and ISBN 0122748808.
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