When it was written approximately 30 of the Bibles content was prophetic.Today nearly all of these prophecies have become recordedhistory. But a handful of the Bibles predictions remain to be fulfilled. Theyare predictions of the End Timesand many Biblical scholars believe theancient prophecies are abruptly coming true. With the Middle East becominga boiling pot Russias airforce testing US airspace missile tests by NorthKorea the threat of war with Iran and 21st century science pointing to adire future for the planet the results are undeniable. In Apocalypse SoonThe Beginning of the End best selling author Dr. Patrick Heron examines the incredible prophecies of the Bible through a fascinating expose on current events. He deftly interprets the signs of the times as signals that the Horsemen of the Apocalypse are about to ride.Heron, Patrick is the author of 'Apocalypse Soon The Beginning of the End', published 2007 under ISBN 9780978845308 and ISBN 0978845307.
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