This volume highlights today's and tomorrow's anxiolytics, examining indetails the strengths and weaknesses of different classes of proposedanxiolytics. Each chapter is written by an acknowledged internationalexpert actively working in the field. Essentially intended forresearchers in academia and the pharmaceutical industry, the book isalso of interest to psychiatrists and medical students interested inthis specialty. In addition those in the pharmaceutical industry(strategic marketing, licencing, portfolio management...) who need to beable to foresee future developments in the anxiolytic drug scene willfind the insights obtained from this volume to be invaluable.By putting side by side today's and tomorrow's anxiolytics the textunderlines the progress made (and sometimes the lack of it) in differentareas. After reading this book, the reader should have a good "feeling"of where the anxiolytic field is going in the next few years.Briley, Mike is the author of 'Anxiolytics' with ISBN 9783764360320 and ISBN 3764360321.
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