Things were happening to Morgan Bailey, strange things she couldn't explain. She tried to convince herself things were coincidence, but signs were appearing, odd reminders of her past. A past she didn't want to be drawn back to, one she escaped from. But when an unexpected cruise through Alaska is sent by her dead father, she feels propelled to follow where it will lead, driven by something to be in a strange land for mysterious reasons.On the first day of her journey, she discovers she'd have to face much more than she'd intended, but Morgan couldn't run from it any longer. Had to face it head on, come to terms with what happened to change her life. After years of turmoil over a guilt and blame she'd placed upon herself, she discovers peace and serenity in majestic land untouched by man. Feels but a miniscule speck on the grand scheme of things and it humbles her, opens her heart to begin healing from the years of pain she'd suffered.The cruise served well to help her begin to let go of her past haunts, but she would also have to let go of her childhood dreams and her connection to a man that seemed at one time unbreakable. Afterwards, she would have to trust her still unsettled heart to where it wanted to lead her. Morgan discovered she would truly have to go home again before she could find real peace.Allan, Alisa is the author of 'Angel Mist ' with ISBN 9780976148050 and ISBN 0976148056.
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