1895. The story begins: But you must know where you are goin' to stop, and the speaker, holding in one hand a battered tin pail, seated himself on the curbstone by the side of a small, almost disreputable-looking boy. Well, I don't, was the decided reply. I slept in a milk-wagon last night, 'cause I didn't feel like walkin' to the Astor House, an' now I haven't made up my mind whether I'll go to the Brunswick, or snoop 'round for another cart. The boy with the tin pail looked at his new acquaintance in undisguised astonishment a moment, and then asked, in a tone intended to be sarcastic: Why don' t you buy three or four of the biggest hotels, an' then you could swap round when you wanted to? See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.Otis, James is the author of 'Andy's Ward', published 2007 under ISBN 9780548012482 and ISBN 0548012482.
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