This CD-ROM atlas is a valuable companion to Anderson's Electronic Atlasof Hematology and Anderson's Atlas of Hematology. Structured bydisorder, each listing includes a description of the clinical features,pathology, laboratory features (including morphologic characteristics),treatment, and a case study. Each disorder is then followed by variousmorphologic illustrations, which allow the user to build interpretative and evaluative skills. Other features include case quizzes along with 130concept applications, over 100 image-based questions including rationale forcorrect answers, and two animated slide shows. This program will run onany IBM-PC or compatible computer that minimally includes: a Pentium IIprocessor (Pentium III recommended); 128 MB RAM; Windows 98, NT, 2000, ME,or XP; CD-ROM drive; 1024x768 monitor resolution; mouse; and 150 MB of hard-disk space. Internet Explorer and Flash 6 are also required but areincluded on the CD-ROM as installation options.Anderson, Shauna C. is the author of 'Anderson's Electronic Atlas of Hematologic Disorders' with ISBN 9780781726450 and ISBN 078172645X.
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