Preface Chapter One: THE MEETING OF CULTURES Significant Events America Before Columbus The Civilizations of the South/The Civilizations of the North/Tribal Cultures Europe Looks Westward Commerce and Nationalism/Christopher Columbus/The Conquistadors/The Spanish Empire/Spanish America/Northern Outposts/The Empire at High Tide/Biological and Cultural Exchanges/Africa and America The Arrival of the English The Commercial Incentive/The Religious Incentive/The English in Ireland/The French and the Dutch in America/The First English Settlements/Roanoke Where Historians Disagree: Why Do Historians So Often Differ? Where Historians Disagree: The American Population Before Columbus America in the World: The Atlantic Context of Early American History Conclusion For Further Reference Chapter Two: TRANSPLANTATIONS AND BORDERLANDS Significant Events The Early Chesapeake The Founding of Jamestown/Reorganization/Tobacco/Expansion/Exchanges of Agricultural Technology/Maryland and the Calverts/Turbulent Virginia/Bacon's Rebellion The Growth of New England Plymouth Plantation/The Expansion of New England/Settlers and Natives/The Pequot War, King Philip's War, and the Technology of Battle The Restoration Colonies The English Civil War/The Carolinas/New Netherland, New York, and New Jersey/The Quaker Colonies Borderlands and Middle Grounds The Caribbean Islands/Masters and Slaves in the Caribbean/Borderlands and Middle Grounds/The Southwestern Borderlands/The Southeast Borderlands/The Founding of Georgia/Middle Grounds The Evolution of the British Empire The Drive for Reorganization/The Dominion of New England/The "Glorious Revolution" The American Environment: The Other Pilgrims Conclusion For Further Reference Chapter Three: SOCIETY AND CULTURE IN PROVINCIAL AMERICA Significant Events The Colonial Population Indentured Servitude/Birth and Death/Medicine in the Colonies/Women and Families in the Chesapeake/Women and Families in New England/The Beginnings of Slavery in British America/Changing Sources of European Immigration The Colonial Economies The Southern Economy/Northern Economic and Technological Life/The Extent and Limits of Technology/The Rise of Colonial Commerce/The Rise of Consumerism Patterns of Society The Plantation/Plantation Slavery/The Puritan Community/The Witchcraft Phenomenon/Cities Awakenings and Enlightenment The Pattern of Religions/The Great Awakening/The Enlightenment/Education/The Spread of Science/Concepts of Law and Politics Where Historians Disagree: The Origins of Slavery Patterns of Popular Culture: Colonial Almanacs Conclusion For Further Reference Chapter Four: THE EMPIRE IN TRANSITION Significant Events Loosening Ties A Tradition of Neglect/The Colonies Divided The Struggle for the Continent New France and the Iroquois Nation/Anglo-French Conflicts/The Great War for the Empire The New Imperialism Burdens of Empire/The British and the Tribes/The Colonial Response Stirrings of Revolt The Stamp Act Crisis/The Townshend Program/The Boston Massacre/The Philosophy of Revolt/The Tea Excitement Cooperation and War New Sources of Authority/Lexington and Concord Patterns of Popular Culture: Taverns in Revolutionary Massachusetts Conclusion For Further Reference Chapter Five: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Significant Events The States United Defining American War Aims/The Decision for Independence/Responses to Independence/Mobilizing for War The War for Independence The First Phase: New England/The Second Phase: The Mid-Atlantic Region/The Iroquois and the British/Securing Aid from Abroad/The Final Phase: The South/Winning the Peace War and Society Loyalists and Minorities/The War and Slavery/Native Americans and the Revolution/Women's Rights and Women's Roles/The War Economy TheBrinkley, Alan is the author of 'American History A Survey to 1877', published 2002 under ISBN 9780072490510 and ISBN 0072490519.
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