Contents VOLUME I 1. Embryo of Empire: Americans and the World Before 1789 Diplomatic Crossroad: Jay, Franklin, Adams, and Negotiations for Independence, 1782 Reaching for Independence: Ideology and Commercial Power Opportunity and Necessity: Alliance with France Nibbling and Piddling in Europe A Separate Peace: The Treaty of Paris Diplomatic Frustrations Under the Articles of Confederation The New Constitution and the Legacy of the Founding Generation 2. Independence, Expansion, and War, 1789-1815 Diplomatic Crossroad: The Chesapeake Affair, 1807 The French Revolution and American Alternatives Commerce, Politics, and Diplomacy: Jay's Treaty Pinckney's Treaty, France, and Washington's Farewell The XYZ Affair and the Quasi-War with France Napoleon's Ambition and Jefferson's Imperial Vision: The Louisiana Purchase European Madhouse: Blockades, Neutral Trade, and Impressment, 1803-1807 "Peaceable Coercions" and the Path to the War of 1812 In All the Tenses: Why War Came Wartime Diplomacy and the Peace of Ghent The Legacy of an Unwon War 3. Extending and Preserving the Sphere, 1815-1848 Diplomatic Crossroad: Mexican-American War on the Rio Grande, 1846 Expanding the Sphere: Manifest Destiny Commercial Ambitions in the Pacific John Quincy Adams, the Floridas, and the Transcontinental Treaty The Monroe Doctrine Targets Europe and the Western Hemisphere Trade, Canada, and Other Anglo-American Intersections Contest over the Oregon Country The Texas Revolution and Annexation The War with Mexico and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo The Lessons and Costs of Expansion, 1815-1848 4. Expansionism, Sectionalism, and Civil War, 1848-1865 Diplomatic Crossroad: Commodore Perry's "Opening" of Japan, 1853-1965 Sectionalism and Sputtering Expansionism The South's Dream of Empire: Filibustering and Slave Expansion The Cuba-United States Nexus Anglo-American DÉtente, an Isthmian Canal, and Central America The American Civil War and International Relations British "Lookers On" Across the Atlantic War as Catalyst 5. Global Rivalry and Regional Power, 1865-1895 Diplomatic Crossroad: The Foiled Grab of the Dominican Republic, 1869-1870 The Culture of Expansionism and Imperialism Economic Expansion and International Rivalry Toward Command of the Seas: The New Navy Secretary William H. Seward Eyes the Future Great Britain, Canada, and North American Disputes Americans in Asia: China, Japan, and Korea Pacific Prizes: Hawai'i and Samoa Probing Africa Latin America Moves into the Yankee Vortex 6. Imperialist Leap, 1895-1900 Diplomatic Crossroad: The Venezuelan Crisis, 1895 Men of Empire in the 1890s Cleveland Confronts Cuba Libre 1895-1897 McKinley's Road to War, 1897-1898 Why War: Exploiting Opportunity The Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War Peace and Empire: The Debate in the United States Imperial Collisions in Asia: The Philippine Insurrection and the Open Door in China The Elbows of a World Power, 1895-1900 7. Managing, Policing, and Extending the Empire, 1900-1914 Diplomatic Crossroad: Severing Panama from Colombia for the Canal, 1903 The Conservative Shapers of Empire Cuba's Limited Independence Under the Platt Amendment The Constable of the Caribbean: The Roosevelt Corollary, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic The Quest for Order in Haiti and Nicaragua The Mexican Revolution Threatens U.S. Interests Japan, China, and Dollar Diplomacy in Asia Anglo-American Rapprochement and Empire-Building 8. War, Peace, and Revolution in the Time of Wilson, 1914-1920 Diplomatic Crossroad: The Sinking of the Lusitania, 1915 The Travails of Neutrality Submarines, Neutral Rights, and Mediation Efforts Wilson Leads America into World War The Debate over Preparedness The Doughboys Make the Difference in Europe Wilson Imagines a Better Future: The Fourteen Points and the Peace Conference Principle, Personality, Health, and Partinsanship: The League Fight Red Scare Abroad: Bolshevism and Intervention in Russia The Whispering Gallery of Global Disorder Appendix: Makers of American Foreign Relations. General Bibliography. Index VOLUME II 1. Imperialist Leap, 1895-1900 Diplomatic Crossroad: The Venezuelan Crisis, 1895 Men of Empire in the 1890s Cleveland Confronts Cuba Libre 1895-1897 McKinley's Road to War, 1897-1898 Why War: Exploiting Opportunity The Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War Peace and Empire: The Debate in the United States Imperial Collisions in Asia: The Philippine Insurrection and the Open Door in China The Elbows of a World Power, 1895-1900 2. Managing, Policing, and Extending the Empire, 1900-1914 Diplomatic Crossroad: Severing Panama from Colombia for the Canal, 1903 The Conservative Shapers of Empire Cuba's Limited Independence Under the Platt Amendment The Constable of the Caribbean: The Roosevelt Corollary, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic The Quest for Order in Haiti and Nicaragua The Mexican Revolution Threatens U.S. Interests Japan, China, and Dollar Diplomacy in Asia Anglo-American Rapprochement and Empire-Building 3. War, Peace, and Revolution in the Time of Wilson, 1914-1920 Diplomatic Crossroad: The Sinking of the Lusitania, 1915 The Travails of Neutrality Submarines, Neutral Rights, and Mediation Efforts Wilson Leads America into World War The Debate over Preparedness The Doughboys Make the Difference in Europe Wilson Imagines a Better Future: The Fourteen Points and the Peace Conference Principle, Personality, Health, and Partinsanship: The League Fight Red Scare Abroad: Bolshevism and Intervention in Russia The Whispering Gallery of Global Disorder 4. Descending into Europe's Maelstrom, 1920-1939 Diplomatic Crossroad: Roosevelt's Attempt to Extend America's Frontier to the Rhine, 1939 The Independent Internationalists Economic and Cultural Expansion in a Rickety world Peace Seekers for a World Without War Cold as Steel: Soviet-American Encounters Hitler's Germany, Appeasement, and the Outbreak of War American Isolationism and the Neutrality Acts Roosevelt Shifts and Congress Balks on the Eve of War 5. Asia, Latin America, and the Vagaries of Power, 1920-1939 Diplomatic Crossroad: The Manchurian Crisis, 1931-1932 A Question of Power Facing Japan: The Washington Naval Disarmament Conference and China Japan's March for a New Pacific Order Making and Managing Good Neighbors in Latin America Building Dictators and Guards: The Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Haiti Subverting Nationalism in Cuba and Puerto Rico Compromising with Mexico: Oil and Nationalism Pan Americanism and the Approach of the Second World War 6. Survival and Spheres: The Allies and the Second World War, 1939-1945 Diplomatic Crossroad: The Atlantic Charter Conference Juggling Between War and Peace, 1939-1941 Asian Collision Course: Japanese-American Relations, 1939-1941 Big Three: Strategies and Fissures, 1941-1943 In Search of a China Policy Bystanders to the Holocaust: Americans and the Murder of the Jews Planning the Postwar Peace, 1943-1945 Compromises at the Yalta Conference To Each Its Own: Allied Divergence and Spheres of Influence The Potsdam Conference and the Legacy of the Second World WarKenneth J. Hagan is the author of 'American Foreign Relations: A History to 1920' with ISBN 9780395938867 and ISBN 0395938864.
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