PART I: REFORM AND SOCIETY, 1900-1917 CHAPTER 1: The Transformation of American Life CHAPTER 2: A New Industrial Society CHAPTER 3: The Progressive Transformation CHAPTER 4: National Progressivism from TR to Taft CHAPTER 5: Woodrow Wilson and Reform, 1910-1916 CHAPTER 6: A New World Power, 1898-1917 PART II: WORLD WAR I AND ITS AFTERMATH, 1917-1933 CHAPTER 7: The United States and World War I 1917-1918 CHAPTER 8: The Postwar Crisis CHAPTER 9: Technology, Work and Change in the Postwar Era CHAPTER 10: The 1920s and American Life CHAPTER 11: Harding, Coolidge, and Postwar Politics PART III: NEW DEAL, WAR, AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, 1933-1945 CHAPTER 12: Crash and Depression, 1929-1933 CHAPTER 13: The Early New Deal, 1932-1935 CHAPTER 14: Creating the Social Welfare State, 1935-1939 CHAPTER 15: The New Deal and the American People CHAPTER 16: The Versailles Legacy, 1920-1936 CHAPTER 17: The Coming of War CHAPTER 18: War and the Home Front CHAPTER 19: The United States and World War ILink, William A. is the author of 'American Epoch A History of the United States Since 1900 War, Reform, and Society, 1900-1945' with ISBN 9780070379510 and ISBN 0070379513.
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