American Economic Policy+natl.security

American Economic Policy+natl.security
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  • ISBN-13: 9780876091371
  • ISBN: 0876091370
  • Publisher: Council on Foreign Relations


Moran, Theodore H.


Economics now occupies a more prominent position than ever in determining the United States' ability to lead other countries and influence events on the world stage. Mismanagement of economic policy threatens both the United States' position in the international system and our national security. Moran examines three economic threats that could endanger America's national security: America's fundamental and cumulative decline relative to the other major industrial states; a loss of crucial economic and technological capabilities within our own country; and the growing dependence on other countries for vital goods, services, and technologies. He explores the nature of each threat and analyzes the policy alternatives to meet it. Moran argues that the policy responses of greatest benefit to the Unites Stats cannot be based soley on economic criteria. Instead, American policymakers must construct what the author calls a "grand stategy" that envisions an international system that best serves American intersts and includes an assessment of the ability of American political leaders to guide the public in ways that support this system.Moran, Theodore H. is the author of 'American Economic Policy+natl.security' with ISBN 9780876091371 and ISBN 0876091370.

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