America, Technology and Strategic Culture: A Clausewitzian Assessment

America, Technology and Strategic Culture: A Clausewitzian Assessment
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  • ISBN-13: 9780415775847
  • ISBN: 0415775841
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher: Routledge


Harris, Brice


This book analyses the American way of war within the context of Clausewitzian theory. in doing so, it draws conclusions about the origins, viability, and technical feasibility of America's current strategic approach. The author argues that the situation in which America has found itself in Iraq is the direct result of a culturally predisposed inclination to substitute technology for strategy. This habit manifests most extremely in the form of the Network-Centric Warfare/Effects-Based Operations (NCW/EBO) construct, which by and large has failed to deliver on its many promises. This book argues that the fundamental problem with the NCW/EBO - and with US defence transformation, generally - is that it centres on technology at the expense of other dynamics, notably the human one. Taking a fresh perspective on US strategic cultural predispositions in an era of persistent military conflict, the author argues for the necessity of America's revising its strategic paradigm in favour of a more holistic brand of strategy. This book will be of much interest to students of Clausewitz, Strategic Studies, International Security and US foreign policy.Harris, Brice is the author of 'America, Technology and Strategic Culture: A Clausewitzian Assessment' with ISBN 9780415775847 and ISBN 0415775841.

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