Before Captain Ahab encountered Moby Dick, he met the woman who would capture his heart--Hannah Oldweiler. This voyage back to 19th Century Nantucket completes the portrait of the man who ruled the sea with an iron will, and introduces to the woman who had a spirit and determination to match. When Ahab becomes obsessed with settling a score with the great whale, Hannah is left alone to raise their son and to oversee her husband's estate. Waiting and praying for his safe return, Hannah is faced with loneliness--a deep longing in her soul that not even her husband can meet. Will Hannah become as independent as Ahab? Will she take her future into her own hands? Who will fill the emptiness in her heart? Click Here to Meet the Author Download the Readers' Guide.Gouge, Louise M. is the author of 'Ahab's Bride' with ISBN 9781589190078 and ISBN 1589190076.
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