In 1969, a tiny three year old girl is diagnosed with Wilms Tumor, a kidney cancer in children. The family is suddenly plunged into shock as they struggle to cope with the child's disease, the pressures to maintain the rest of the family & to continue with life. As the book AGAINST THE ODDS, THE TRUE STORY OF MICHELE A CANCER SURVIVOR, develops, Michele undergoes a massive operation, radiation treatments & moves, with her family, 3000 miles across the country. Within a few months the cancer has returned & she is once again operated on. Before the year is over, Michele will experience a rare movement of this cancer to her brain. The surgery to remove the tennis ball size tumor from her brain is the first such successful procedure ever performed. Medical history is made & Michele survives. As the days & weeks stretch into years, Michele's parents adopt two more children, give birth to Michele's brother at home & manage to remain happily married. Michele continues to receive chemotherapy, losing all of her hair in the process. As the hair returns & the family grows, Michele's warm, wonderful story will bring hope & courage to everyone who reads it. To order contact: Alchemy Publishing, Box 285, Clinton, WA 98236-0285. Phone: (206) 321-7705.Nolan, Patrick is the author of 'Against the Odds The True Story of Michele, a Cancer Survivor' with ISBN 9781887170055 and ISBN 1887170057.
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