In this third hilarious trade paperback Barry Ween's bringing monkeys! He is the world's smartest human being; his "big brain," has a limitless capacity for knowledge, and Barry has no problem putting that knowledge to use. That's pretty cool when you consider the fact that he's only 10 years old. Unfortunately, when you have that kind of smarts, trouble is nearly a foregone conclusion! Giant, talking gorillas from other dimensions; drunken, smelly clans of Bigfeet; and a germ-filled monkey looking to cause the next outbreak - these are things that Barry has come to accept as normal. Compared to such frightening childhood rites of passage as girls and the first school dance, Barry would take all three scenarios without blinking. This trade paperback collects the first three issues of Eisner-nominated creator Judd Winick's mini-series and features the debut of Bezeruul, the giant talking ape!Winnick, Judd is the author of 'Adventures of Barry Ween Boy Genius Monkey Tales' with ISBN 9781929998180 and ISBN 192999818X.
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