Through four editions, The late Bernard Schwartz's clear and accessible casebook has illuminated a path through the intricacies of Administrative Law for both students and instructors. Now, under the direction of Roberto L. Corrada (2000 winner of the prestigious Carnegie fellowship for teaching), Administrative Law: A Casebook returns in a revised, refined, and updated new edition. As in previous editions, this exemplary casebook emphasizes the basic principles of administrative law in an accessible fashion: concise and practical, it covers key topics in just seven chapters clear and straightforward, it was written with students in mind arranged chronologically, it mirrors the course of procedure in actual practice organized for flexibility, it begins with an overview of administrative law and its agencies addressing state law issues, In addition to standard federal topics, it gives students valuable exposure To The arena where most administrative law issues come up In the new edition, changes, revisions, and improvements for an up-to-date portrait of administrative law, including new coverage of the Office of Independent Counsel and Morrison v. Olson FDA v. Brown & Williamson, The decision holding that the FDA does not have the right to regulate the tobacco industry agency regulation of cyberspace And The Electronic Freedom of Information Act new coverage of the doctrine of non-delegation and EPA v. ATA Plus, revised and expanded coverage of standing issues, welfare reform, And The Chevron doctrine and its increasing importance todayRoberto L. Schwartz is the author of 'Administrative Law: A Casebook' with ISBN 9780735520080 and ISBN 0735520089.
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