Jessica Hayden gratefully absorbed the delicious warmth emitting from the snapping fire, which danced in the huge stone fireplace in the lobby of the Timberline Lodge. She wasn't certain how long it would take Eric to get them registered, but after braving the two-hour drive here--the last few miles at a crawl due to the sudden heavy snowfall--then the blustery wind that hit them on their walk across the parking lot, she didn't mind lingering near this heated coziness, at least for a few minutes. But more than thawing out by the fire, she was anxious for her and Eric to get to their cabin, where they'd generate their own heat.Which couldn't happen soon enough for her.God help her, she couldn't wait to get her hands on him. It had been so long...way too long, since they'd made love, and now that their much-needed weekend was upon them, she was about ready to burst. The stress and problems that had been wreaking havoc with every aspect of their lives--including their love life--didn't exist in this rustic lodge. Here they would have the time and privacy to get themselves and their relationship back on track.She pulled off her gloves and her gaze rested on the sparkling round diamond adorning her left hand. When Eric Breslin had slipped the engagement ring on her finger four months ago, it had been the happiest, most magical moment of her life. She loved him deeply and she'd believed, they'd both believed, that everything was going to be perfect.They'd both been dead wrong.Everything was, in a word, a disaster.Little had they known their engagement would spark a family feud that made the legendary Hatfields and McCoys look like rank amateurs. After much discussion, she and Eric had reached compromises regarding the big issue--her managing Hayden's, her family's upscale restaurant in her hometown of Marble Falls, and Eric's opening last year, less than a mile away, a Chop House, a national restaurant chain known for excellent food at reasonable prices. Even though Chop House was technically the competition--a fact that had caused them some difficulties at the onset of their relationship--Jessica had discovered that Eric was everything she'd ever wanted in a man.She hadn't believed in love at first sight until she saw him. That first instant spark of attraction in the cheese aisle at her favorite gourmet food shop had all but fried her where she stood. The fact that he'd chosen her favorite Brie and knew the subtle differences between Gorgonzola and Stilton had piqued her interest. They struck up a conversation and by the time they made it to the wine aisle she knew, in her heart, he was The One. And the next six months had only proven her correct.He was kind, loving, patient, honorable and generous. He made her laugh. Made her happy. Sure, he had his faults--but hey, what man didn't leave his socks on the floor and coffee cups all over the place? Growing up with four older brothers, she didn't let silly little "guy things" bother her. And best of all, Eric loved her as much as she loved him.Unfortunately their families mixed about as well as oil and water. Jessica's mother and four overprotective brothers considered Eric not only business competition, but looked down on his franchise restaurant, considering it fast food compared to Hayden's. Marc, Andy, Robbie and Carl all glared at Eric at every opportunity, resenting both his opening the restaurant and him "stealing" their little sister, whom they ridiculously felt was way too good for him.To make matters worse, Jessica's mother had dreamed about her only daughter's wedding since the day she'd finally given birth to a girl after four sons. Maybe, just maybe, Carol Hayden could have gotten over the fact that Jessica was marrying "the competition," but she simply could not accept that Eric's sister, Kelley--who was more like his mother since she'd raised him and their two yRock, Joanne is the author of 'A Blazing Little Christmas', published 2007 under ISBN 9780373793679 and ISBN 0373793677.
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