In the summer of 1980, more than 125,000 Cubans abandoned their homes and possessions and emigrated to the United States. When what began as a stream of dissidents became a torrent of refugees, the United States was caught short. Cuban Premier Fidel Castro was able to use the 1980 exodus for his own political objectives and, in the process, overwhelmed U. S. immigration capacity. In this definitive study of what happened during those six months of 1980, Captain Alex Larzelere (U.S. Coast Guard, Retired) shows how Castro controlled the initiative, forcing the United States into a reactive position. Among the refugees he allowed to leave Cuba, Castro included significant numbers of criminals, spies, and political prisoners, thereby showing disregard for international rules regarding emigration. The Carter administration's plan to deal with the crisis, as the author points out, came too late to be effective. Anticipating that the United States may face a similar mass influx, Larzelere argues for a new Migration Plan. He offers a plan with four major points: (1) rapid executive decisionmaking at levels lower than the White House; (2) constructive direction from Washington to Federal agencies on the scene; (3) a working immigration agreement with Cuba; and (4) a controlled flow of refugees. Larzelere's proposals are worth noting. Castro could do it again, the author warns: Millions of Cubans would like to leave the island, and approximately 200,000 already have Cuban government approval for emigration. Armed with a comprehensive plan, as suggested here, the United States can remain a haven for freedom-loving people while at the same time ensuring control of immigration. Bradley C. Hosmer Lieutenant General, United States Air Force President, National Defense University.Larzelere, Alex is the author of '1980 Cuban Boatlift Castro's Ploy - America's Dilemma' with ISBN 9780898759723 and ISBN 0898759722.
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