Learn the business-building and personal-development secrets that will put you squarely on the path to network marketing success. 10 Weeks to Network Marketing Success is a powerful course that will grow your business with velocity and change your life! With this course, YOU will: ?Learn exactly how to set up a powerful 10-week action plan that will propel your business growth.'Learn how to prospect your most productive niche markets.'Discover your most effective pathways to success.'Learn how to persuasively influence your prospects by listening to contribute value.'Build your business rapidly by making powerful requests.'Discover the secret to acting from your commitments.'Create a powerful life-changing structure for personal development. ?See the growth that comes from evaluating your progress on a regular basis.'Learn how listening in a new and powerful way will skyrocket your business.'Uncover the secret to accepting complete responsibility for your business.'Learn how to transform problems into breakthroughs.'Develop the charisma that allows you to instantly connect with others on a heart-to-heart level.'Identify the secrets to stepping into leadership and being the source of your success.'And much more!4 CDs and 37 page workbookRubino, Joe is the author of '10 Weeks to Network Marketing Success', published 2004 under ISBN 9780972884037 and ISBN 0972884033.
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