Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results
Towards Mathematical Philosophy: Papers from the Studia Logica Conference Trends in Logic IV by Makinson, David, Malinowski... ISBN: 9781402090837 List Price: $209.00
What Is Negation? by Gabbay, Dov M., Wansing, H. ISBN: 9780792355694 List Price: $259.00
Nonclassical Logics and Information Processing: International Workshop, Berlin, Germany, Nov... by Pearce, D., Wansing, Heinri... ISBN: 9780387557458 List Price: $39.95
Knowledge and Belief in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence : Logica Nova by Laux, A., Wansing, H. ISBN: 9783050027913 List Price: $128.00