Showing 1 - 11 of 11 Results
Rojava : Revolution, War and the Future of Syria's Kurds by Schmidinger, Thomas ISBN: 9780745337722
Beyond ISIS : History and Future of Religious Minorities in Iraq by Schmidinger, Thomas, Sevdee... ISBN: 9781912997152 List Price: $19.50
Rojava : Revolution, War and the Future of Syria's Kurds by Schmidinger, Thomas ISBN: 9780745337739
Şingal 2014: Der Angriff des „Islamischen Staates", der Genozid an den Êzîdî und die Folgen ... by Brizić, Katharina, Sc... ISBN: 9783902890108 List Price: $38.00
100 Jahre Volkermord an Armenierinnen und Die Kurdinnen - Wiener Jahrbuch Fur Kurdische Stud... by Hennerbichler, Ferdinand, S... ISBN: 9783902890092 List Price: $48.90