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Children of Light by Converse, Florence, Houghto... ISBN: 9781175275356 List Price: $30.75
North Pacific : A story of the Russo-Japanese War by Allen, Willis Boyd, prt, Kn... ISBN: 9781177708869 List Price: $32.75
Phosphate Rocks of South Carolina and the Great Carolina Marl Bed, with Five Colored Illustr... by Holmes, F. S. 1815-1882, pr... ISBN: 9781178313062 List Price: $19.75
Auction Prices of American Book-Club Publications, 1857-1901 by Roden, Robert F., prt, Mari... ISBN: 9781171509028 List Price: $18.75
Books and Bookmen by Lang, Andrew, prt, Riversid... ISBN: 9781171666196 List Price: $23.75
Monograph on Privately Illustrated Books : A plea for Bibliomania by Tredwell, Daniel M. 1826-19... ISBN: 9781171673477 List Price: $39.75
American Family : A novel of To-day by Webster, Henry Kitchell, pr... ISBN: 9781171772491 List Price: $37.75
Master of Mysteries : Being an account of the problems solved by Astro, seer of secrets, and... by Burgess, Gelett, prt, Braun... ISBN: 9781171843368 List Price: $41.75
Life and Letters of Faraday by Jones, Bence, pbl, Longman,... ISBN: 9781171849940 List Price: $36.75
Winged Arrow's Medicine, or, the Massacre at Fort Phil Kearney by prt, Werner Company. ISBN: 9781172085378 List Price: $29.75
He knew Lincoln Volume 1 by prt, McClure Press., ill, ... ISBN: 9781172136353 List Price: $17.75
Premier Rapport Fait Au Nom du Comit� de Salut Public, Sur les Moyens D'extirper la Mendic... by nationale, France. Conventi... ISBN: 9781172219209 List Price: $15.75
Adresse D'une Société Anglaise À la Convention Nationale, Suivie de la Réponse du Président,... by Anglaise, Société, prt, Mam... ISBN: 9781172234004 List Price: $14.75
Conduite de M le Maire de Paris, À L'Occasion de la Société des Feuillans by Pétion, J. (Jérôme), prt, L... ISBN: 9781172253609 List Price: $14.75
In the Track of the Troops : A tale of modern War by Ballantyne, R m. 1825-1894,... ISBN: 9781176721289 List Price: $35.75
Making of a Country Home by Mowbray, J. P., Hooper, Cha... ISBN: 9781176801813 List Price: $27.75
Renegade : And other Tales by Wolfenstein, Martha, prt, L... ISBN: 9781176940635 List Price: $31.75
Our Story of Atlantis : Written down for the Hermetic Brotherhood by Phelon, W. P., pbl, Hermeti... ISBN: 9781177000253 List Price: $25.75
Gunsight Pass : How oil came to the cattle country and brought the new West by Raine, William MacLeod, prt... ISBN: 9781177210607 List Price: $31.75
Nomads of the North : A story of romance and adventure under the open Stars by Curwood, James Oliver, prt,... ISBN: 9781177239639 List Price: $31.75
Other People's Houses by Kaup, Elizabeth Dewing, prt... ISBN: 9781177342766 List Price: $33.75
Youth of Washington : Told in the form of an Autobiography by Mitchell, S. Weir 1829-1914... ISBN: 9781177381215 List Price: $29.75
Memoirs of an American Citizen by Herrick, Robert, bdd, Decor... ISBN: 9781177427548 List Price: $32.75
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