Showing 1 - 25 of 103 Results
Child Behavior and Development: A Course of Representative Studies by Roger G. Barker, Jacob S. K... ISBN: 9781494122294 List Price: $53.95
Child Behavior and Development: A Course of Representative Studies by Roger G. Barker, Jacob S. K... ISBN: 9781258847449 List Price: $68.95
Seldin v. Threadneedle Ins Co U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings by WENDELL P BARKER, JACOB B E... ISBN: 9781270136279 List Price: $29.99
Incidents in the Life of Jacob Barker, of New Orleans : With Historical Facts (1855) by Barker, Jacob ISBN: 9781164324928 List Price: $35.16
The conspiracy trials of 1826 and 1827 a chapter to the life of Jacob Barker by Jacob Barker ISBN: 9785518496149 List Price: $44.95
Water Productivity in Agriculture Limits and Opportunities for Improvement by Barker, Randolph, Kijne, Ja... ISBN: 9780851996691 List Price: $110.00
Jacob Barker's Letters, Developing the Conspiracy Formed in 1826 for His Ruin by Barker, Jacob ISBN: 9781152350267 List Price: $20.00
Hear Both Sides by Barker Jacob 1779-1871 ISBN: 9781172498352 List Price: $17.75
Aurora The Dayspring, or Dawning of the Day in the East by Boehme, Jacob, Barker, C. J... ISBN: 9781558181816 List Price: $24.95
Incidents in the Life of Jacob Barker, of New Orleans by Barker, Jacob ISBN: 9780548633465 List Price: $28.95
Incidents in the Life of Jacob Barker, of New Orleans: With Historical Facts (1855) by Barker, Jacob ISBN: 9780548958209 List Price: $43.95
Child Behavior and Development: A Course of Representative Studies by Barker, Roger G., Kounin, J... ISBN: 9781432594503 List Price: $48.95
Child Behavior and Development: A Course of Representative Studies by Barker, Roger G., Kounin, J... ISBN: 9781436705721 List Price: $63.95
Conspiracy Trials of 1826 and 1927 by Barker, Jacob ISBN: 9780403063154 List Price: $30.00
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